Actually, you’re in good company. Despite the myths pushing the idea that erectile dysfunction (ED) only affects older men, research shows that younger men are also vulnerable to ED; in fact, it’s more common than you might think. 

Despite this, there are still plenty of misconceptions surrounding ED in younger men that can lead to confusion, embarrassment, and, more critically, a reluctance to seek help. 

Our Viking team is motivated to help all of our clients “restore the warrior within,” so if you feel like you’re struggling with ED, but you also feel like you’re too young to suffer these symptoms, read through the following myths and let us help set the record straight… 

Myth 1: ED only affects older men

As you’ve likely heard, one the most pervasive myths surrounding erectile dysfunction is that it’s a problem only experienced by older men. Is it more common as men age? Sure, no doubt about it; however, studies have found that about 26% of men under the age of 40 report symptoms of ED. Let’s break that down: we’re talking one in four young men have experienced symptoms of ED.

Myth 2: ED in younger men is almost always psychological

Actually, no it’s not all in your head… pardon the pun. Yes,  psychological factors can be a common cause of ED in younger men, but attributing it as the primary reason denies the possible existence of underlying medical conditions, which require professional attention. 

Myth 3: ED equals lack of sexual desire or interest

The most challenging aspect of this myth is the damage it can cause in a relationship, specifically the partner misinterpreting these symptoms as a lack of interest in or attraction towards them.

Okay, now that we’ve tackled the myths, let’s get to the actual causes of ED in younger men… 

Common causes of ED, regardless of age

In our experience, the following causes of ED do not discriminate based on age. Whether young or on the more mature end of the aging spectrum, these culprits are commonly behind symptoms of ED.

Psychological factors

Here’s where your brain comes in… Stress, anxiety (particularly performance anxiety), depression, and relationship issues can all trigger ED, no matter what. For younger men, the pressure to perform sexually, especially in new relationships, can lead to a vicious cycle of anxiety and erectile difficulties. As we all know, vicious cycles are tough to break. 

Medical conditions

Health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and low testosterone can affect blood flow and nerve function, leading to erectile dysfunction, even in young men. 

Lifestyle choices

Unlike psychological or physical factors related to medical conditions, you have more control over this particular category. For instance, unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of exercise, and recreational drug use can all contribute to ED — but you have the power to correct them. And you’ll want to because these vices can affect circulation, hormone levels, and mental health, all of which lead back to erectile function, or dysfunction as the case may be.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do anything drastic to make a real difference. One Harvard study found that just 30 minutes of daily walking correlated with a 41% reduction in risk for ED. 

You can also consider testosterone hormone replacement therapy, which is a game-changer for a healthy sex drive. 

We’re big believers in doing research for making personal decisions about your health and wellness. To help you get started, check out our recent blog post, “Why Do Men Pursue Hormone Replacement Therapy and Should You Join Them?” 

My husband has been a patient at Viking since the beginning.   I have been to some of his visits and find Josh to be thorough and professional.   Josh took the time to explain to us lab results and make necessary changes.  Josh is a caring individual and has helped my husband feel his best.I find prices to be fair and office staff very pleasant. I highly recommend Viking Medical Group.” — P. Doucette 

Don’t wait any longer to start feeling your best. We have the solutions to help with your ED symptoms and we’re ready to restore the warrior within. Contact us today and let’s do this!

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